Beirut to Burlington

The BURLINGTON DOWNTOWN REFUGEE ALLIANCE (BDRA) invites you to join them for a Movie Night and to be introduced to the Syrian Al Alem family who we are hoping will arrive this year from Beirut. They have endured long difficult years as they wait to get to Canada and rejoin the rest of their family, the Hajj-Kasems, here in Burlington. They are being sponsored through a Private Sponsorship process with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and we look forward to their arrival.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2021 AT 7:00 PM via Zoom.
Special Showing of “For Sama” – award-winning documentary with Q&A
This evening you will meet Karima and Mohamad, with their young children, Faten and Ahmad, both born in Lebanon via video. Following that, we will watch “For Sama”, a multi-award winning documentary of a journalist mother and doctor father who bring up their daughter Sama through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria. A Question and Answer session will complete the evening.
We hope you will join us on the 29th of January!
How to Take Part:
The meeting is being held on Zoom. If you have not used Zoom before, you can download it here for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone/iOS or Android.
Once in Zoom is installed, all you need to do is open the following link.
Zoom link:
If you are promoted for a Meeting ID or passcode:
Meeting ID: 868 6937 5129
Passcode: 692481